Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My goodness time flies!

My baby is now 5 months old! It has gone so fast! I'll do a quick run down of my little man. Likes: FOOD, did I mention food? I have never seen a baby get so excited to eat! My hair, it seems to be the first thing he grabs. Brothers, he adores his brothers and they him, if you ask him where Shane is he turns his head to Shane and same with Brock. They are so sweet together! Blankies, he really likes to chew on his blankies and hold them close to his face. He has a favorite toy book that crinkles, he was in his highchair the other night and was screaming (another beloved pass time, it should be loads of fun having a screamer!) so I went and picked him up out of his chair thinking he was upset and he actually started crying! I was confused until I put him back in and gave him his book back, the screaming went on and he was happy! He dislikes tummy time. He gets awfully mad pretty fast! Being left in his bed any longer than the second he wakes up and that is really it! He is truly the sweetest, happiest baby ever. He is getting pretty good at sitting up by himself, probably another week and he will be there and when he is on his tummy he scoots pretty well, granted I think it is unintentional because he is mad but those chubby thighs have some power behind them! His eyes are staying a very crystal blue and I am so crazy in love with them! His hair is already going a bit darker so I doubt it will stay blonde. He is definately my baby, I love looking in the mirror with him next to me and I can see myself in him. Others have thought Shane looks like me but I have never seen it. He has Dan's thick hands and love for food! I need to figure out how to post videos because we have videoed this kid eating and it is really hilarious! My little Blake is such a fun blessing in our family. He brings us together with his sweet smile and the twinkle in his eye. It sounds so cheesy but there is something different that I see in his eyes even when he was brand new. There is a twinkle or a sparkle, I don't know how to describe it! We all enjoy him so much!

1 comment:

Sam and/or Monika said...

oh, we can't wait to meet him!!