Friday, April 9, 2010

Times of our lives

I'll give a little intro on the pictures! Shane's new favorite outfit, running shoes, a white t-shirt and gym shorts. He is wearing it almost every day! All of the cracked eggs are from.....Brock! Who would have guessed, I mean really? The rest are pretty much self explanatory!

Not much new to report but we had a pretty fun, low key Easter. The boys had a blast, there was a fresh blanket of snow on the ground, we measured it and it was just over 2 inches, so the East Bunny had to hide the eggs in the house. They were pretty cute. The night before I made a turkey dinner than the night of we went to John and Mara's and had out traditional lamb dinner. Unfortunately I think the lamb tastes like feet but Dan loves it ;)

I am on my Spring Break and am loving it!!!! I had signed up for Disney Land's, give a day of service (we made blankets) get a day at Disney Land and we were supposed to go this weekend to Disney Land with our free tickets but Dan got invited to test with a fire department out in Mesquite, TX, so me and the kiddos are on our own! I haven't quite decided what the kids and I are going to do, I promised Shane we would have a silly string party but other than that I am at a loss. Shane wants to decorate the house really cool for when Dan comes home so I might do that. It just feels so good to be home with my kids. I am really enjoying just relaxing and cleaning and playing.

We are pretty certain that we will eventually end up in Texas. All the classes Dan has been taking for fire are international and it turns out Texas is still a very family friendly state and they pay their fire fighter very well. The biggest bonus is that they NEED fire fighters, here they are a dime a dozen. The best part for me is that in Texas I only have to go to school for 1500 hours, that shaves off 500 hours :) Even if we don't get this job in Mesquite, it is really looking like around fall time we will both be employed and making money! The thought is so weird to me almost. It has been so long since we have had a paycheck and felt stable. I am giddy about it! I am excited Dan (despite my skepticism) pursued fire fighting, he is really loving it and having my husband do something that he loves and we are making money is the best you could ask for. It has been a long very hard road getting here but we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and we can see hope in our future. The awesome part is Dan is getting all of his training free! Really can't beat that!

1 comment:

thecannon5 said...

OMGosh that is soooo great, I am sooo glad Dan has found something, I will miss you guys if you move to texas but we can always keep in touch through blog and Facebook. Plus that will give us an excuse to go to Texas, we will come and visit!!! :D keep us posted, and I am sooo excited that everything is working out. The Lord definitly knows what is right for us and when!