Monday, May 2, 2011


Life is too busy right and and I feel like I can barely take two seconds to breathe. The upside, I am kicking some serious beauty school (pardon my language here) A**. I have grown and developed my skills since I last left school and I am feeling great about it. I have 4 months left and cannot wait to be done. I hate leaving my kids, I get to see them for about 2-3 hours a night. I just don't really feel like a real mom. The upside is that my nanny Celeste is amazing and I just could not have asked for a better girl to come into my home and take care of my kids. I feel 100% confident that my kids are happy and getting everything that they need. She is just great! The change has been hard on everyone though. We are just starting to adjust. Brock is reverting back to thumb sucking :( We are starting to kind of adjust to Arizona. The weather is fantastic. Always warm and sunny. Dan is kicking butt at his job. He loves it they treat him great and he is making pretty decent money. He is really happy. So there is my quick update :)

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